You can’t manage what you don’t measure. This timeless axiom definitely applies to every single industry, with nearly every point being tracked, measured, observed, studies and benchmarked. But one area that many businesses overlook – but should be focused on right away – is the utility bill.
Submetering systems and utility management systems are quickly becoming indispensable tools for property managers and owners. It’s no longer enough to just track the simple cost of utilities – businesses need to monitor complete utility bill data and tenant consumption to have a rudimentary understanding of utility costs.
As the year comes to a close, it’s the perfect time to take note of and analyze key expenses, comparing it to years past. One important benefit of submetering is that through trending, you are able to spot anomalies. Baselining energy use over time results in a comprehensive timescale that provides actionable insights into important operations and management issues, occupant behavior and equipment performance. Audits allow you to discover opportunities for efficiency retrofits as well.
Eliminate the need for rough estimates by square footage by receiving actual usage data from submeters with the help of United Utility Services. Our system is guaranteed to be accurate and certified to meet national accuracy standards.
It is close to impossible to effectively control energy costs without knowing exactly where, when and how it is being used. Boost energy savings by switching to a submetering system that allows for consistent monitoring by management and tenants. This will then provide users with an accurate look at the current effectiveness of energy conservation efforts.
Submetering also allows for the managing of your building’s environmental impact. With every kilowatt-hour of electricity saved, the environment is saved from harmful chemicals as well. Its compact size and easy installation in practically any available area makes it a space-efficient investment as well.
Easily manage an important part of your building expenses by monitoring your utility usage. The next step is to then consider submetering, making the most of your savings as well as helping tenants pay fairly for only the utilities they use.