Getting a high energy bill can be frustrating, but there are multiple ways to cut down usage without sacrificing comfort or convenience. Take a look at our easy energy saving tips below:

  1. The recommended temperature setting according to the U.S. Department of Energy is 120 degrees. If you lower your water heater temperature from 140 degrees to 120 degrees, you can save around $7 a month.
  2. Heat your home at 68 degrees or cooler with the thermostat fan set to auto. You can increase your savings by lowering the thermostat to 65 degrees or cooler at night or when you need to leave the house.
  3. Cool your home at 78 degrees or warmer with the thermostat fan set to auto. For more savings, you can raise the thermostat to 82 degrees or warmer when you’re away from home.
  4. Turn off all fans whenever you leave the room. Fans that run constantly can add an additional $7 in monthly expenses.
  5. Regularly clean or even replace the A/C filter when needed in order to make it easier for your unit to run as efficiently as possible. This can cut down cooling costs because your unit doesn’t have to work harder than it should.
  6. Make sure that the water level on your washing machine matches the load size, especially when you’re using hot water. Always use a cold rinse.
  7. Use your dryer’s auto sensor so you can conserve energy and refrain from over-drying your clothes.
  8. Maintain the lint filter in your clothes dryer and make sure it’s clean before every load. This makes your clothes dry faster.
  9. Pre-rinsing dishes can cost an additional $70 a year. Conserve energy by using your dishwasher.