
Save On Your Utility Bills During the Cold Seasons

The cold weather has an impact on your energy use. More energy is used for each degree the temperature drops outside. Significant changes between the outside temperature makes your heating system work much harder and requires more energy. As your energy consumption increases, so does your energy bill.

This is true for homes that don’t have enough insulation, homes with single-paned or aluminum-framed windows, and homes with a lot of air leaks around windows, doors, and plumbing and electrical boxes.

Here are efficient ways to minimize energy consumption when cold weather hits:

  • Set your thermostat back during peak hours.You can save up to 2% on your heating costs by turning your thermostat back. Set your thermostat to at least 55 degrees when you are asleep or away – preventing freezing of pipelines and to avoid moisture problems. The more you turn it down, the more you’ll save!
  • Use portable space heaters wisely. Spending most of your time in one or two rooms? You should consider using space heaters and turn down your furnace to let the rest of the rooms stay cooler.  Heating rooms that are empty is such a waste of money. A space heater that uses 1,500 watts of electricity is way cheaper than an electric furnace that consumes 10 times that much.
  • Get rid of drafts. A lot of energy is wasted through leaky windows. Caulk and weatherstrip doors and windows. Caulk and seal windows, doors, and plumbing penetrations. Weather strip all seams, cracks, and openings to the outside.
  • Cover your windows. Keep curtains and windows closed to keep cold air out – avoid warm air from escaping. However open them during the day to let the warm sun in. Also, install tight-fitting, insulating window shades on windows.
  • Have your furnace filters cleaned and inspected regularly. Properly maintained equipment will provide greater comfort and lower energy costs. Dirty or clogged filters will make your furnace work harder.
  • Properly insulate your home. Adding insulation to your home will make your home more comfortable and will lower your energy bills.
  • Upgrade your heating system. If you heat your home with electric resistant heat (electric furnace, baseboards, plug in heaters, etc.),  consider an energy-efficient heat pump system to reduce your energy consumption.

Ensuring that your home is energy efficient has multiple advantages. Whether you take easy and practical solutions or make larger investments to make your home more efficient, you’ll see lower energy bills. Over time, those savings will normally pay for the cost of modifications and put money back in your pocket. An energy modified home is also more attractive to buyers when you sell it and it also adds value to your home.

Aside from saving money, many energy efficient shifts can lead to more comfortable home.

Most importantly, being energy efficient offers the highest potential for reducing carbon emissions, at a lower cost. Making your home energy efficient is not only good for your finances but also for the environment.