A sudden jump in your monthly water bill can often be traced back to a leak in your unit. Here are some quick steps you can take to test for a leak:
- Locate your water meter, which is usually found inside your apartment, and check the flow finder that’s located on the face of the meter. The flow finder functions as a leak detector and if you find that it’s not moving, immediately note the physical reading from the meter. Make sure that no one uses the water for the remainder of the day. The next day, check the meter again. If the reading has changed, then there’s a leak in your unit and you’ll need to contact the maintenance department or a plumber.
2. Inspect your toilets for leaks. An easy test is to put a little food coloring inside your toilet tank. If color begins to seep in the bowl within half an hour even though you didn’t flush the toilet, this means that there’s a leak that needs immediate attention. Since replacement parts tend to be relatively inexpensive and easy to use, you can attempt repairs on your own.
3. Take a look at showerheads and faucets to see if there are any leaks. If you find water dripping from showerheads or aerators, see to it that they are repaired or replaced as soon as possible.