The method of installing meters on an individual unit to measure water, gas and electric usage.
Accurately bill your tenants for their actual utility consumption!
Our U-Submetering program is available for both new construction and existing properties. Whether you own or manage office complexes, condominiums, shopping centers, apartment complexes or even mobile home parks, United Utility Solutions provides sub-metering solutions specifically designed for your property.
We take pride in how our industry-leading meters, state-of-the-art data collection system and cutting edge United-UtilityTrakR™ billing software offers a comprehensive package that solves all your utility management concerns.
The Rise and Rise of Utility Fees
It’s no secret that utility fees across America are continuously on the rise. According to a recent study by Circle of Blue, the average cost of both water and sewer fees in 30 US cities has risen at an average of 6% in the year 2015 alone. Some municipalities report increases as high as 31%. In the past five years alone, these same fees have seen increases at an average of over 41%.

The Benefits of Our U-Submetering Program for Owners:
- Reduces your overall cost for utilities
- Improves your cash flow
- Lowers your Net Operating Expenses
- Increases your Net Operating Income
- Improves your property asset value
- Improves the capitalization rate of your property
- Rapid Return On Investment (ROI) since the average cost recovery of equipment is at 18 months
- Tax-deductible as a capital expenditure
- Insulates you from rapidly rising utility costs
- Promotes tenant conservation of water, energy and other utilities
- Encourages tenants to report leaks and other potentially costly faults
- United-UtilityTrakR™ billing software provides you with secure, immediate access to data for each property, tenants’ accounts as well as your entire portfolio
- Minimal involvement of time or resources for the owner, management and property personnel
- Can be combined with our U-Ratio Utility Billing System program
The Benefits of Our U-Submetering Program For Tenants:
- They are now in control of their own utility expenses
- Ensures that they only pay for their own usage
- Enables them to regulate utility-related increases in rent
- Direct financial benefits when they conserve water and other utilities
- United-UtilityTrakR™ billing software enables them to view and receive bills, as well as pay online via their own secure portal.
Our own statistics have shown that once a property uses one of our utility management programs, tenant consumption drops on an average of 20% to 25%. In some cases, consumption dropped as high as 45%! Owners usually report seeing savings as soon as they announce to tenants that a transition to sub-metering has been made.
How the U-Sub Metering Program Works:
- A complete analysis of the property is initially conducted. This includes determining the goals of the proposed U-RUBS program.
- Your property management office sends notices to the tenants of a lease addendum for them to sign. This document also explains the transition process and the benefits of the U–RUBS program.
- Each unit is designated with a corresponding occupant factor and square footage factor, or a combination of both.
- The allocation begins with a copy of your property’s utility bill using the dollar amount from your utility provider of the consumption period that is to be billed. A predetermined common area allowance percentage (determined by you, the owner) is deducted to give us the billable figure.
- Building, unit and tenant information is uploaded into the system by us and verified by you or your property staff.
- Copies of the relevant master utility bills are obtained, analyzed and added to the system.
- An online seminar is conducted to train you and your personnel on how easily our United-UtilityTrakR™ system works.
- We send a letter of introduction to your tenants explaining how the new sub-metering program works.
- When a new tenant moves in or when the notification period has passed, individual bills are created every month.
- The bills are then sent out via first class mail or online through our e-Bill option.
- Tenants submit their payment to us by either using the same method or by paying directly to your leasing office
- A monthly reconciliation and reimbursement check is sent to you, your assignee, or your property management company.
The best part of this process is that we do all of the heavy lifting for you and your management team. Not only do we collect and analyze the data, send the bill and collect the monthly payments, we also handle customer service related matters. This provides you and your staff with more time, freedom and resources to prioritize resident comfort or other concerns.
Guaranteed Turnaround Time For Addressing Customer Issues
Average Reduction in Tenant Consumption due to Solutions by United Utility
Increase in Community Income With A Vacant Unit Cost Recovery Feature