With so many concerns about water shortages and other related issues, there’s never been a better time to learn more ways to save water. There are several techniques you can follow to conserve water indoors and lower your water bill aside from reducing consumption. Take a look at some effective tips to save water:

Install showerheads and low-flow aerators. Taking long showers can use five to ten gallons every minute. Using low-flow showerheads reduces the consumption to less than 2.5 gallons per minute. Faucets can also be fit with aerators to further conserve water.

  • Repair or replace dripping faucets. If your faucet drips at the rate of one drop per second, you’ll be wasting around 2,700 gallons of water every year. Not only does this add to the cost of sewer and water utilities, but it also strains septic systems.
  • Refrain from flushing the toilet unnecessarily. Don’t dispose of tissue or other waste in the toilet since it can lead to clogging and damage.
  • If toilet flush handles frequently stick to the flush position and let water run continuously, adjust it immediately or replace it.
  • Regularly check the toilet for bent, worn out or corroded parts. Many replacement parts are readily available and easily installed.
  • When you’re washing or shaving your face, avoid letting the water run. Brush your teeth while waiting for the water to get warmer, then wash or shave after the basin is full.
  • If you wash your dishes by hand, fill one basin or sink with soapy water. Rinse under a slow-moving stream from the faucet.
  • Use automatic clothes washers and dishwashers only when they’re fully loaded. Adjust the water level for the size of the load you’re using.
  • Instead of letting the tap run each time you need a cold glass of water, store drinking water in the refrigerator.
  • As much as possible, avoid putting water down the drain if you can use it elsewhere, such as for cleaning purposes or watering a plant or garden.
  • When thawing meat or other frozen food, don’t use running water. It’s safer to defrost food overnight by storing it in the refrigerator or by using the defrost setting on a microwave.
  • Help your other family members, especially children, be aware of the need to conserve water. Refrain from buying water toys that need a large amount or a constant stream of water.
  • Follow all water shortage and water conservation rules and regulations that are in effect in your area.
  • Immediately report all important water concerns and losses, such as open hydrants, broken pipes, abandoned free-flowing wells, errant sprinklers and others, to the property owner.


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